How to keep streaming subscribers happy and reduce churn

With so many streaming platforms to choose from, it can be tough to keep viewers loyal to your service. Of course, having great content is crucial, but there are other factors that can help prevent churn. For example, providing a seamless user experience and improving content discoverability keep subscribers happy and prevent them from cancelling their subscriptions. Since it's cheaper to retain a user than to acquire a new one, investing in anti-churn strategies is a smart move. Here are some tips to help your subscribers stay loyal...FOREVER!


Having a top-notch search engine on a streaming platform is crucial for providing users with a seamless and enjoyable experience. Since people (according to telecommunications provider Ericsson) spend up to 50 minutes per day searching for something to watch, making this easier has a great impact. 

With a great search engine, users can easily find the content they're looking for, which can help reduce frustration and increase satisfaction with the platform. Additionally, a strong search engine can also help users discover new content that they might be interested in, increasing engagement and retention.

Netflix has an impressive search function that goes above and beyond the typical "sorry, not available" response. When a user searches for a title that isn't on the platform, Netflix first acknowledges the search by listing the movie on the left side of the screen, showing that they understand what the user is looking for but don't have it in their library. Then, they use search as a recommendation tool, offering a list of related content that may be of interest to the user based on factors such as genre and cast. This is a great feature that helps keep subscribers engaged by suggesting new content they may enjoy, ultimately keeping them subscribed.


In today's world of endless choices, streaming recommendations are more important than ever. Just like turning on the TV and stumbling upon something to watch, getting a personal recommendation on a streaming platform takes away the stress of finding something to watch. These recommendations can appear as soon as a user opens the platform and are often organized into categories like "recommended for you," "because you watched," "recently added," and "top 10." They can also appear after a user has finished watching a movie or TV show. By providing users with relevant recommendations, streaming platforms can help keep them engaged and streaming longer.


When it comes to categorizing your content, keep it obvious, not clever. That means if someone wants to find a drama movie, they're going to look in the dramas section, not in the folder where you hid all the Lionsgate movies. No one searches like that (unless they're a total film buff). On the other hand, using recognizable brands or franchises like Disney+ does with Star Wars and Marvel makes sense because these categories are so well-known they might as well be their own genres. Just remember, most people don't associate your content with your platform or the production company, so using genres and obvious categorization is the way to go. Effective categorization can also be key for creating a better user experience by making it easier for users to discover new content that they may be interested in based on their previous viewing habits and preference.

Visual recommendations

Film and television are visual media, so making your platform visually pleasing with a nice layout and relevant thumbnails will go a long way for your viewers. One strategy that Netflix uses to visually attract users to content is dynamic thumbnails. This means that if you watch “James Bond”, for example, they might assume you like Daniel Craig and change the thumbnail for “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” to have him in it to capture your attention. This is another great way to help viewers discover content they might love.


According to Ericsson, the price is the most important factor when picking a new streaming service. But it’s also important when it comes to preventing churn! If you're not using a platform regularly, it's easy to lose interest and unsubscribe. But if the price is low, people are more likely to stick around. Plus, promotions like HBO's lifetime discount offer can be a huge incentive to stay subscribed - because who wants to lose out on a great deal forever? High-stakes promotions really tap into people's emotions and can be a great way to keep users on board.

Longer roll-outs

We all know about binging culture, where you just can't get enough of your favourite shows and end up watching entire seasons in one day. But while it's fun to indulge in a good binge, it can also put a lot of pressure on streaming services to keep coming up with new content. That's why some streaming platforms are starting to release episodes on a weekly basis, just like in the old days of TV. This linear approach to content release keeps subscribers coming back week after week to see what's new, and keeps them on the platform for longer.


There are many strategies that streaming platforms can use to prevent churn and keep subscribers loyal. By focusing on user experience, value for money, and release strategies, you can make your platform more attractive to viewers and encourage them to stay subscribed. And remember, having a full set of metadata for each of your assets is crucial for creating the strong user experience that users are after. By investing in a comprehensive metadata strategy, including distribution to third parties, you can ensure that your content is easy to find and enjoy, and keep your subscribers coming back for more.

Clipsource has been hired by some of the industry’s finest entertainment brands to enrich and streamline schedule and metadata distribution. Contact us today to learn more about how you can scale down to one platform for all of your needs.


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