Manage and share your images & files
Keep your images and media files organised internally and easily share with journalists and stakeholders. Simplify messy media logistics with integrated workflows across the Clipsource modules.
User-friendly interface
Provide easy internal access to all images and create better team collaboration.
Public and private workspaces
Control who has access to various collections and how media can be shared.
Advanced sharing and distribution
Share entire media collections to everyone or privately to a select few.
Better control over your entire media library
Mediabank is a user-friendly platform that simplifies complex file management in the entertainment industry by centralizing media files such as images and videos in one place.
ClipSource enables members of an organization to access, share, and distribute these files for various purposes such as marketing, partnerships, and PR.
Mediabank Features
Organise by workspaces, collections & sub-collections
Create workspaces with collections and sub-collections to keep files organised and easily control how those collections are shared.
Control image metadata
Click on any image to view and edit metadata. Check where it came from, how large it is, copyright information and more.
Work across the ClipSource modules
Mediabank is integrated with the entire ClipSource platform. This means that you can attach photos to press releases, save and grab images from Program Catalog and display your images on Media Center.
Integrate with your internal system
Add media manually or automatically by integrating with your internal systems.
Offer different image versions
If you have different versions of the same image, all versions will show up in one place so you can easily find and grab what you need.
More products
Ready to take your media sharing one step further? By using our products together you can take away siloed systems, simplify daily tasks and streamline your PR and communication workflows to get your content more exposure.
Media Center
Capitalise on your PR work and distribute all of the content in your media catalog.
Screening Room
Share secure screeners and video clips with important stakeholders without leaks.
TV/VOD Schedules
Automate the distribution of your linear and non-linear schedules and metadata.
Program Catalog
Automatically collect and centralise your TV/film marketing materials and data.
Book Catalog
Automatically collect and centralise your book marketing materials and data.